Welcome to the Dark and Darker Perks List overview page. On this page you will find all the available Perks in DnD. Have you found any errors or want to give feedback? Please report in our community Discord in the feedback channel.
Perks can be found in the Class section in the menu. Check the top right side for the list of Perks that you can utilize in Dark and Darker. If you are new to the game you will only be able to slot 1 Perk for now. At level 5, 10 and 15 you will unlock additional Perk slots. At max level you will be able to utilize a total of 4 Perks on your character, giving you a good advantage.
There are plenty of Perks in Dark and Darker, you can adjust perks on your character depending on your needs. Please don't forget that each Dark and Darker Class has their own Perks. You can use the filter in the list above to search for Perks for a specific Class.